2023 Club Event Schedule

Club meetings are intended for club members, but also open to anyone interested in more information about the club. 

We try to keep this list as accurate as possible. Please check back closer to the dates for all the information. Times and locations subject to change. 

MAY, 2023
At the Apple Blossom Cluster –
5/24 Evening Meeting
5/26 Sweeps & KISS
5/27 Sweeps & Specialty
Sunday 5pm After Specialty Meeting

JUNE, 2023
June 2nd, 2023 – Zoom Meeting at 5pm

SEPT, 2023
B-Match – TBD

OCT, 2023
Oct 14th,  2023 at `10am  – Zoom Meeting

NOV, 2023
Harvest Cluster
Nov 11th at the Cavalier Show


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